Knowledge is required when you want to become the most successful commander-in-chief in the Age of History 2. The game brings forth thrilling experiences from forming kingdoms to imposing your own world order, but controlling each and everything and for a beginner is quite confusing due to lack of knowledge about the game. There are multiple factors you need to consider which we have covered in this guide called “How to Play Age of History 2”

How to Play Age of History 2?
To make this guide helpful for each and every one, we have decided to start from scratch. The first question will be “What do you see when you install the game on your android, IOS, or PC for the first time?”
First Impressions – Starting How to Play Age of History 2:
When you are done downloading & installing the game on your device, you have to open the game after which you’ll see an introductory screen including graphical content like logo and historical maps. You can skip this part and proceed to the initial setup process. The settings can be different based on which device you’ve used to access the game.
The first setting you need to select is to choose the language you understand or speak. You can select any language from the language box and proceed to the next step. The game also provides you with resolution settings because some of you will be playing the game on devices which have lower specifications. It can make the game become slow and sometimes hang, so make sure you select the appropriate resolution size. You can test this setting by playing the game with different resolutions and finalize the one which provides the best experience.
The third setting will be the speed of gameplay. It is up to you whether you want the gameplay to proceed fast so sessions end quickly resulting in task completion or can set it to slower.
After setting everything mentioned above, the game will offer you to go through a tutorial on how to play the game by covering just the basics of the game. Click Skip to go the the AOH 2 Gameplay.
Select Scenario:
From the Main Menu, click on New Game and select the scenario you want to play in. There are a lot of scenarios like Modern World, Football War, Second Boer War etc. If you’re new to the game I would suggest you start with the Modern World Scenario as it would be easier for you to understand the map. After selecting the scenario, click on load scenario. It will open the main game play area.
Select Country:
Choose a country from the world map which you want to play as. Decide on a country like Romania or Serbia which isn’t hard to play. You can select any country it is up to you.
Allocate Budget:
In the top left corner, you’ll see an option called “Open budget view of your Civilization”. Click on it, and it will show you 5 options in the drop-down menu. Taxes, Goods, Research, Investments, and Military. From this menu, you can decide how much taxes you want to impose in your country, How much budget you want to spend on goods, How much budget you want to allocate to Research, and the same for Investments and your country’s military budget.
Keep in mind that the happiness score in your civilization will decide how your country will perform. Also, your income must be higher than you are spending to make sure that you have some amount in balance. You can use the money in wars and colonization etc.
Income Production:
Use your technology point to ultimately increase your income production. But it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to focus on other technology points. Everything has an impact on your country’s situation on the world map. For example, If your population and income isn’t growing, your military upkeep will also be impacted in a negative order.
Make Allies and Decide Relations:
Now you have to decide which country you want to make your ally and which country you want to have bad relationships with. Click on any country of our choice from the map and a menu will open in the bottom left.
You will see some information there regarding your empire and the country. There will be a percentage of your relation with the specific country and a button below called “Improve Relationship”. Clicking on it will improve your relations with the country which is an important factor if the country is powerful.
Declare Wars:
You can declare wars with countries, but you’ve to initiate and create an environment which will lead you to war. For this, you can select a country and send them insults from the same tab you improved relations. The country will respond and in result, you can declare war with them.
Protect Your borders:
The question of How to Play Age of History 2 gets more interesting here as It is not just only about your own country and your relationships which you decided with other countries. Rather, you should pay deep attention towards the strategies and tactics of other nations. Powerful kingdoms can invade you, so you’ve to keep an eye on your border. If your borders are not protected by your military then there are easy chances for others to send troops to your border and try to invade you. Analyze your borders and choose which part of the borders need your troops to be there.
Create Vassals:
If you win a war in the age of history 2, their resources including all the land will be possessed by your country. You can create vassals and benefit your economy using their income production. You can allocate them with less budget and use the remaining budget for the benefit of your own country. Furthermore, you can use it for investments or research in your own country.
I’ve explained all the basics of the game in this guide “How to Play Age of History 2”. The game is quite simple and fun. Exceeding and conquering the whole map in this game is a difficult task, and it will require you to master how things work in the game. Also, you’ll have to spend a lot of time on the game to get to the level where you have control over 50% of the territories on the Age of History 2 Map.
Watch How to Play Age of History 2
Learning How to Play Age of History 2 is not a difficult charge. You are ready to start if you’ve read the entire guide. Scenarios are easy to understand. Setting up government and rules are easy. Making relations and deciding how and which territory to conquer is made easy with detailed statistics provided within the gameplay.